
21 Unique Bucket List Ideas For True Adventure Seekers



Climb Everest. Cuddle a polar bear. Walk on the moon. 

Really though? Are these attainable? Sure. If you train for three hours each day, get past World Wildlife Federation and have a seven-figure bank account. 

Doesn’t mean you don’t get to have a bucket list. Or that you have to wait until you are on your death bed, floating with the idea of spending your children’s inheritance. 

Bucket lists are collections of goals, dreams and aspirations you want to accomplish within your lifetime – not necessarily right at the end, because you could die tomorrow. They keep you accountable for having incredible experiences. The ones you choose to have based on your passions and limitations. You basically plan all the highlights of your life – beyond those featured on your Instagram account.

With everyday citizens taking off to the moon, it’s easy to deter from ever having one if your items seem out of reach and you just can’t be bothered. The moon is really far away after all. However, isn’t it better to have a slightly tweaked and more practical one then no list at all? As long as it’s directed towards what matters to you, it’s still going to be an unforgettable bucket list with lasting memories. 

Why Create a Bucket List?

Because FOMO, right? 

You get one life. Lucky for you in 2021, that one life is lived in a world where, there are endless opportunities, experiences and sensations readily available. Human beings are constantly uncovering new things in our world and using technology advancements to make more things possible. 

Making a list will remind you of these opportunities and keep you accountable for achieving them. And if they are practical, you don’t need to wait before you start checking things off. Once you start, it will be hard to stop and before you know it you will need to top up your list with newer trends and experiences likely to emerge between now and then. 

Keep It Real

You can add as many things to a list as you like which can be challenging if you’re not creative. Enter Google search – a handy short cut. The results however, seem to assume you are a millionaire with unlimited accrued annual leave and a triathlete’s fitness level. 

When you could die tomorrow, who has time to wait around until they can afford to climb Everest anyways? Both financially and physically. And even if you have been told you are dying due to illness, the last thing you are thinking about doing is jumping out of a plane or swimming with whales. 

Being able to do anything and being able to do anything tomorrow are two different things. We have no doubt you could climb Mount Everest! And if that’s the only thing you have on your list, well great, what are you waiting for? For many others who have a longer lists and no time or money to climb the world’s highest mountain, you need to be practical.

There are ways to create an amazing and realistic bucket list for yourself – so you can begin checking things off right away. The sooner you start the more you can get through, leaving time to continue adding to the list. 

The Unique Bucket List

If you’re a Travel Enthusiast

What is it about travel you love the most? Nature, history, culture, adventures, theme parks, beaches etc. Do some research on your top reasons to discover some amazing places you’re yet to see. These lists could be endless. Take the time to dig further into each option so you can assure it remains achievable.

Think about the location first. Is it a safe country to visit? Is it an affordable place to visit and stay in, for accommodation and meals? And what about climate?

If you know the time of the year you can take leave, check out the season it will be. Is there anything else in the location you can see? You might knock a few more things off your list!

A few suggestions…

  • Enjoy a pizza in Naples, Italy
  • Spend a few days in Disneyworld, Florida, USA. The resort too if you can manage it!
  • Take a helicopter over the Grand Canyon
  • Combine a wine tour with a hot air balloon ride in the Hunter Valley, NSW, Australia
  • Explore one of the world’s largest cities, NYC, London, Paris, Tokyo

Animal Encounters

Animal experiences are always memorable, and there are some amazing opportunities out there today. Zoo’s, Wildlife Facilities and Nature Reserves are competing fiercely for the tourism dollar, trying to create the most extraordinary visitor experience possible. 

If you are an animal lover, there’s a good chance you have done everything there is to experience in your home town which means you’ll have to be prepared to travel. To find the best activities for your list, decide which animals you specifically want to see.

Do you literally want to cuddle, feed or pat them, or just watch them in their natural habitat? These questions will help narrow your options down. If it’s a specific animal and you want to see it in the wild, you will have to travel to its natural habitat. If you’re more interested in feeding an animal, you will have to find a Zoo or Wildlife enclosure. 

Just know you have options and make sure you choose a practical one based on your desires.

A few suggestions…

  • Killer whale boat tour from Bremer Bay, WA, Australia
  • Go on safari at Maasai Marra National Reserve, Kenya
  • Wash an elephant in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
  • Feed a white rhinoceros at Singapore Zoo, Singapore
  • Swim with the ‘Swimming Pigs’ in the Bahamas, Middle America

For the Thrill Seeker

There are a lot of options for thrill seekers across the globe as each country capitalises on their assets. Ziplining, base jumping, slack lining and canyoning are just some of the activities you can do within natural wonders of the world. 

To keep it real, decide if you’re willing to travel to get the best experience. If this is the case, try to find the ultimate experience in a country you’ve never been to.

Even better, visit a country known for adrenalin activities such as New Zealand or Canada. You can knock out a few challenges in the one location and get a decent holiday experience in too.

If your preference is remaining close to home, there will be less limitations on time, money and planning. So, what are you waiting for? List one thing you can do each weekend and do it! 

A few suggestions…

  • Heli-skiing. Try this in Alaska, British Columbia, Switzerland, Japan, New Zealand
  • Slacklining. Try this in Yosemite Valley, California, French Alps, France, Gavea Stone, Brazil
  • Ice Climbing. Try this in Keene, NY, Rjukan, Norway, Kandersteg, Switzerland, Helmcken Falls Spray Cave, British Colombia
  • Extreme kayaking. Try this in Kaituna River, New Zealand, Sognefjord, Western Norway, Saint Charles River, Quebec

All About The Ocean 

There’s something about each beach which makes it unique from every other, which only a beach lover understands. They are not all the same. 

Lucky for you, beaches are free and basically everywhere. We suggest checking out beaches further from cities, where there is more seclusion and untouched serenity.

The less accessible it is, the more beautiful it will be. Research your options based on which country you are willing to go to and your budget.

If you are after surfing or water sports, make sure you are able to do these things too. Consider camping or hiring a car to make the most of your experience and find options where you can enjoy a holiday feel with seaside towns nearby as well as additional activities or tours.  

A few suggestions…

  • Capo Sant’Andrea, Elba Island, Tuscany, Italy
  • Bathsheba Beach, Barbados, Caribbean, Middle America
  • Koh Lanta, Krabi, Thailand
  • Cabarita Beach, NSW, Australia
  • Coffee Bay, Eastern Cape, South Africa

Music Is Life

There’s nothing more exciting for a music fan than an epic line-up announcement of artists at a world-renown music festival. “I’ll go next year,” is the common saying as each event takes place before you’ve had time to plan your attendance. 

The key with these ones? Plan ahead. We’re talking 12 months minimum. This is going to be the best experience of your life, so do it right.

Once you’ve listed the ones you’ll go to, write down their dates as well as the locations. Cross out any where there are schedule conflicts, or if the locations are too far stretched. Remember, keep it real.

When you’ve got the dates, start booking! Think about tickets, accommodation, travel and time off work. There are plenty of options now for payment plans with all sorts of items, and if you start early you’ll find an ideal accommodation site too. 

A few suggestions…

  • Coachella, Mexico, Middle America
  • Bluesfest, Byron Bay, Australia
  • Shambhala Music Festival, British Columbia, Canada
  • Tomorrowland, Belgium, Europe
  • Burning Man, Nevada, USA

Make Your List

We’re being real here. We know you’ve got limitations and creating the perfect bucket list will take some time. The sooner you start, the sooner you can begin planning every activity. Don’t rush it! Do the research and include unforgettable experiences you would otherwise regret not doing.

Tap into the creative part of you that dreams bigger, nurtures your inner child and makes life more worthwhile. Once you’ve got the perfect list, keeping it real will inspire you to put the dreams and plans into action right away. 

And if you finish it within the next 12 months, start another!