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67 Beautiful Prince Quotes on Love and God



Prince was one of the finest musicians of our time and was an influencer before the term became synonymous with social media celebrities. Some of his most famous songs include Kiss in 1986 and When Doves Cry 2 years prior in 1984, both daring and unique. Even today, there really isn’t anyone who has been able to emulate the individual style that Prince bought to the stage.

While he died young, his influence continues to this day. People are reminded to be themselves and create their own unique style driven by pride. After all, we all need to walk our own path, provided we execute every single day on our dreams.

May these quotes inspire you to connect with yourself, your friends and family, as well as the world at large. It’s a beautiful place, after all.

1. Every day I feel is a blessing from God. And I consider it a new beginning. Yeah, everything is beautiful.


2. I pushed the envelope as far as it needed to be pushed, and now it’s on the floor, and people seem to want it to stay there.


3. Despite everything, no one can dictate who you are to other people.


4. Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life.


5. Time is a mind construct. It’s not real.


6. Always cry for love, never cry for pain.


7. No child is bad from the beginning. They just imitate their atmosphere.


8. Everyone has a rock bottom.


9. You don’t need a record company to turn you into anything.


10. I had a massive ego. Massive. But that’s not such a bad thing. Because at least you’re aspiring to be something, you consider yourself great because you want to be great.


11. I have seen the future and it will be Batman.


12. I want to make heart decisions in business. If you can’t do that, you’re not free. I want to be able to dictate which way I’m going to go.


13. Time is something we created in order to measure the span of our lives. It’s not meant to create fear in you or paralyse you from moving forward. You are never too old and it is never too late to start over.


14. It gets embarrassing to say something untrue because you put it online and everyone knows about it, so it’s better to tell the truth.


15. Cool means being able to hang with yourself. All you have to ask yourself is ‘Is there anybody I’m afraid of? Is there anybody who if I walked in a room I’d get nervous?’ If not, then you’re cool.


16. When you don’t talk down to your audience, then they can grow with you.


17. People will always have their opinions. Only you know who you really are. Focus on living authentically and honestly, have integrity in all that you do, and those opinions won’t matter.


18. If you lend your consciousness to someone else, you’re a robot.


19. The key to longevity is to learn every aspect of music that you can.


20. There’s a dark side to everything.


21. If you ever lose someone dear to you, never say the words, ‘they’re gone.’ They’ll be back.


22. A strong spirit transcends rules.


23. Most bands out there are basically pretty boring. I try to affect people inside their bodies.


24. I don’t want anyone to fail, so if you can make money off music even though you can’t sing or dance, that’s genius.


25. I ain’t mad at anybody. I don’t have any enemies.


26. Everyone has their own experience. That’s why we are here, to go through our experience, to learn, to go down those paths and eventually you may have gone down so many paths and learned so much that you don’t have to come back again.


27. When you wake up, each day looks the same, so each day should be a new beginning.


28. Movies are real! Music is real! It affects people, it’s real. … The other night I went to a club and I watched a DJ control an entire room. Even politicians can’t do that.


29. To create something from nothing is one of the greatest feelings, and I would – I don’t know, I wish it upon everybody. It’s heaven.


30. I have a very thick skin. I take everything that comes and let it bounce right off me because I know the time will come when nobody will be able to speak falsely.


31. I’ve grown up, everyone’s got to grow up. But there’s something inside me, I’m always going to have that little sort of – how do you say? – child streak.


32. The grind is real. There are no shortcuts. But what’s the alternative? Don’t quit one meter before you strike gold. Keep moving forward and creating the life of your dreams.


33. I don’t really care so much what people say about me because it usually is a reflection of who they are.


34. Yeah, everybody’s got a bomb, we could all die any day. But before I’ll let that happen, I’ll dance my life away.


35. The hardest thing with musicians is getting them not to play.


36. The music industry is a matrix that is counter to what is natural and right.


37. When you sit down to write something, there should be no guidelines. The main idea is not supposed to be, ‘How many different ways can we sell it?’ That’s so far away from the true spirit of what music is.


38. People who have no creativity, talent, or courage are the ones who follow the rules. Be brave, be bold, step up and make your own! The passion that lies inside of you means you don’t need to follow the pack, because you transcend it.


39. I’m not entangled in a bunch of lawsuits and a web that I can’t get out of. I can hold my head up … a happily married man who has his head in order. There isn’t a bunch of scandal in my life.


40. I’ve always understood the two to be intertwined: sexuality and spirituality. That never changed.


41. I give them a lot of credit to be able to hang with me this long, because I’ve gone through a lot of changes, but they’ve allowed me to grow, and thus we can tackle some serious subjects and try to just be better human beings, all of us.


42. I learned from Jehovah’s Witnesses that a fatalistic view is counterproductive.


43. Oh, I love critics. Because they love me. It’s not a joke. They care.


44. Music is music, ultimately. If it makes you feel good, cool.


45. I don’t talk to old people; they try to find ways to stay static. Young folks are the ones with the ideas and constantly moving forward.


46. Hip-hop is very diverse, but if you only focus on one aspect of it, then what you get is this image of Black America that is completely contrary to what actually goes on.


47. I really believe in finding new ways to distribute my music.


48. In the tech-savvy, real-time world we all live in today, everything is faster.


49. Sometimes ideas are coming so fast that I have to stop doing one song to get another. But I don’t forget the first one. If it works, it will always be there. It’s like the truth: it will find you and lift you up. And if it ain’t right, it will dissolve like sand on the beach.


50. So much has been written about me, and people don’t know what’s right and what’s wrong. I’d rather let them stay confused.


51. Music is real. It affects people; it’s real.


52. As human beings we suffer from an innate tendency to jump to conclusions; to judge people too quickly and to pronounce them failures or heroes without due consideration of the actual facts and ideals of the period.


53. I always knew I had a relationship with God. But I wasn’t sure God had a relationship with me.


54. It’s a hurtful place, the world, in and of itself. We don’t need to add to it. And we’re in a place now where we all need one another, and it’s going to get rougher.


55. Like books and black lives, albums still matter.


56. Technology is cool, but you’ve got to use it as opposed to letting it use you.


57. I don’t live in the past. I don’t play my old records for that reason. I make a statement, then move on to the next.


58. You decide how you view the world each day. Choose to make it inspired!


59. Instead of hate, celebrate.


60. I like to open people’s eyes.


61. Art is about building a new foundation, not just laying something on top of what’s already there.


62. Real music lovers are actually my favorite kind of people because they like to know, rather than just be told what to think.


63. The music, for me, doesn’t come on a schedule. I don’t know when it’s going to come, and when it does, I want it out.


64. When everyone recognizes Jehovah’s name, then everyone will be happy because everyone will know what to do and how to do it.


65. There are people who are unhappy with everything.


66. There’s something about having people around you giving you support that is – it’s motivating, and once I got that support from people, then I believed I could do anything.


67. Sometimes it takes years for a person to become an overnight success.


Joshua is the editor of Execute Resources. He actively sources the best bites of motivation for the Execute Resources library. As a company, we believe in empowering individuals by creating epic content that moves real humans forward! Execute daily. Empower Your life. Build a legacy.

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