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21 Mind-Altering Tee Grizzley Quotes For Youth Discipline



Tee Grizzley has had a tough life given his troubling childhood. His parents were in and out of prison, with his mother now serving 20 years in prison while his father was killed in 2012.

He then served his own time in prison for theft and there, began to rap and write the music which would later take his life down a new path. So what can we learn regardless of our childhood struggles?

We need to execute daily on our dreams and be disciplined to make big changes happen, whether you’re a gamer, future rapper or simply a massive fan. We hope these quotes by Tee Grizzley will inspire you to be yourself.

1. Find a skill, develop a skill, learn how to talk to people, ask a million questions, and just get out here and live your life, because it’s a lot of opportunities out here.

Tee Grizzley

2. Discipline yourself. Be conscious of what you think, and what you like. What gets you mad? What gets you in your feelings? Figure that stuff out and take control of it so nobody else can control you.

Tee Grizzley

3. Ain’t nothing gonna be able to stop me.

Tee Grizzley

4. I’ve been dealing with fake friends, though, like a lot of people trying to come around.

Tee Grizzley

5. Be as creative as possible, don’t half step nothing, as far as videos, studio you going to, your beats, nothing, don’t half step it, do the best you can do.

Tee Grizzley

6. When you in the positive light and good space, do everything to keep it that way and be real careful what you say and how you move because your world can come crashing down on you.

Tee Grizzley

7. Getting off parole is like walking out them cells all over again.

Tee Grizzley

8. If it ain’t family asking for it then I’m broke

Tee Grizzley

9. You not faster than no bullets, why is you running?

Tee Grizzley

10. Don’t try to mimic nobody else, it’s already everybody out there. So be you.

Tee Grizzley

11. In chess, you gotta come up with a strategy. I made a lot of plans in my life. ‘I’ma do this, I’ma do that, this is gonna happen, that’s gonna happen.’ And a lot of stuff don’t go as planned. You really gotta act on events as they unfold. That’s how I compare chess to life.

Tee Grizzley

12. I’m still at the point where I’m trying to get people to fall in love with who Tee Grizzley is.

Tee Grizzley

13. I feel like I’m being targeted by the system. It’s a lot of people in the system that’s clean and want to see me win, but at the same time it’s a lot of people that’s targeting me.

Tee Grizzley

14. God just kept me on the right path. I never smoked, drank, none of that.

Tee Grizzley

15. I don’t know all the ingredients in that, and I don’t know what all that’s made of, and love that. Just like I don’t know you.

Tee Grizzley

16. The only thing that the opportunities don’t got is legs, so they’re not coming to you. You gotta go to them. Ask a million questions, meet people, and learn a skill.

Tee Grizzley

17. I hope they don’t play this shit in court.

Tee Grizzley

18. Just keep putting it out there, stay consistent with that shit. And one day it’s gonna catch, because you gonna build up this fanbase that’s gonna be fucking with you. Boom.

Tee Grizzley

19. I really tell a lot of stories. I want people to know who I am.

Tee Grizzley

20. I see myself as the godfather of the streets. I see myself as the manual to how to survive this shit. What to get into, what not to get into, what’s gonna come if you go around these type of people. I feel like I’ma give it to you raw.

Tee Grizzley

21. I was lit when I was broke.

Tee Grizzley

Joshua is the editor of Execute Resources. He actively sources the best bites of motivation for the Execute Resources library. As a company, we believe in empowering individuals by creating epic content that moves real humans forward! Execute daily. Empower Your life. Build a legacy.